
Talking Circular Economy: Making Synthetic Hair More Sustainable > Hosted by @BrownGirl_Green

Brown Girl Green Podcast
Brown Girl Green
Talking Circular Economy: Making Synthetic Hair More Sustainable > Hosted by @BrownGirl_Green

Episode Notes

Join Kristy and Ciara Imani May, founder of Rebundle, a company closing the loop on synthetic hair waste one bundle at a time. We will be talking about what it means to generate a circular economy, how to make an environmentally friendly and culturally conscious product, and how to support young entrepreneurs of color working to save the world.

What we cover:
-The benefits of the circular economy in dealing with the climate crisis
-How the circular economy can provide a space for budding entrepreneurs to create innovative solutions
-How a woman of color designed her own business/ space within the circular economy & her tips for others pursuing this space

For more information on rebundle. Follow them on Instagram @rebundle.co.

Find out more at https://brown-girl-green.pinecast.co

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.