
The Sobering Podcast S06E16: Chop Session (BTTC, New Music, Just Love, Events & More)

Yo, you see the vibe. No guest means we chop the rap life. On this episode we’re just embracing the love that we’ve been shown recently and then get into some usual business. First in the line of business, is events: Launches, listening sessions and the mother of all Hip Hop events, Back To The City. We can’t have a chop session without new music discussion, so yeah, we go through most of the recent cuts that just came out. Yeah man, press that play button and enjoy.

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Produced by The Sobering

Engineer: Kitso Moremi @fratpackmusic

Editor and Videographer: Kitso Moremi @fratpackmusic

About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.