
S1E22 – For Us – Go DJ! > @Forus4us

For Us- Go DJ

Follow For Us @Forus4us

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Available on: Spotify, Youtube, Apple Podcast, Google Play, Patreon, ICN.DJ/Perky-Perspectives, Radio Public, Perksofwellness.org, and ForUsNation.Com

Perky Perspectives Social Media @PerkyPerspectives

Hosted By Perky @PerkySexyCool
Special Guest- @DJMarcusEL

Affiliated with: For Us @ForUs4Us ForUsNation.Com


Perky went live on her personal page @Perkysexycool, reposted onto @PerkyPerspectives and @Forus4us

Special Shoutout to the Hot and Cool Cafe @HotandCoolCafe in Leimert Park

Perky and DJ Marcus EL spoke about the journey the DJ took to becoming a known and sponsored Dj in the DMV area. From humble beginnings DJ Marcus El began to DJ in his basement and now gets paid to spin! The two also spoke about believing in oneself and being passionate enough to just begin, rather than waiting for the perfect time. Listen more and follow!

For Us has also partnered with DJ Marcus EL to do DJ tutorials and is planning a DJ Webinar in the near future for all of the aspiring DJs. For Us is working with various different brands, people, and businesses in order to help promote them, as well as creating a stronger community. This includes being listed on the ForUsNation.Com website directory, having videos posted to the page to create more visibility for brand, and growing our networks. Many moves will be made on a digital type platform, but all possibilities are open and ready.

For Us is also organizing a book club. The first book, and from which much inspiration comes, is the Garvey and Garveyism book. Another book to add to your library is the Rich Dad, Poor Dad. A live listener recommended the book Afrikan Holistic Health by Laila Afrika. Please visit ForUsNation.Com to keep up with the book club. Videos are coming soon to breakdown and point out different aspects of the book and discuss together. If you have an opinion or critique for the book/s, please reach out through email info@forusnation.com

Perky is looking for businesses to do interviews with and connect with through the podcast. Also if you wish to create your own podcast, but need some assistance, please reach out. Perky wants to assist everyone is staying visible and relevant in this unique time. Email: PerkyPerspectivesPod@gmail.com

Perky is also the lead organizer for the Nominations Committee for the Black Podcasting Awards. Connect if you would like to be involved or highlighted. Lets chat.

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.