Episode 209: Your Darkest Nights Can Lead To Your Brightest Days – T-Kea Blackman On Thriving With Mental Illness

Podcasts » Business » Episode 209: Your Darkest Nights Can Lead To Your Brightest Days – T-Kea Blackman On Thriving With Mental Illness

So many of us are fighting invisible battles, experiencing daily challenges and overcoming obstacles silently that others may know nothing about. How do you handle it all? How do you get through the dark times along the #dreamdriving journey?

We chat with T-Kea Blackman, mental health advocate, speaker and writer. She is also the creator and host of the Fireflies Unite Podcast, a weekly podcast dedicated to bringing light into darkness by sharing the stories of individuals thriving with mental illness within communities of color. T-Kea opens up about her own mental health journey and how an attempted suicide was the catalyst moment for finding new beginnings and reclaiming her life. T-kea shares what it was like living with an undiagnosed mental illness and why it’s okay to accept help when you need it. T-kea also gives tips on creating boundaries, supporting others along their journey, and how she’s finding community and purpose by creating a much-needed mental-health platform for people of color navigating similar issues.

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.