
Special Episode ft DJ Speedsta

First things first, we swear you’ve never heard DJ Speedsta like this! Not this honest, serious, humorous, inspiring and still entertaining. Speedsta gives us an insight into his career from his high school days of hosting parties in the Vaal to buying a house in Bryanston.

In between all of that, we learned about his failures, falling out with his dad and how ‘Special Somebody’ almost didn’t get released due to a last-minute financial hurdle with Anatii. There’s a lot of life lessons to learn to take from this episode, this one is definitely for the books.

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Follow the hosts on Twitter;

Mokgethwa – @Mokgethwa__
Kitso Moremi – @FratpackMusic
Kabelo Moremi – @Fratpacker

Produced by Mokgethwa Machaka
Engineered by Kitso Moremi

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.