The Power of the Podcast

PodDaily » The Power of the Podcast

While podcasting has roots reaching as far back as the pre-World Wide Web 1980s, the medium seemed to first appear in current form in the early 2000s. Despite these relatively recent beginnings, podcasts have since spread worldwide and solidified the format’s position among more ubiquitous modern media. 

As the word podcast — a portmanteau of “iPod” and “broadcast,” respectively — suggests, the medium has long had ties to Apple Inc., and the company added formal support for podcasts to iTunes in 2005.

Although Apple attempted to keep the term podcast in its grasps early on with a string of lawsuits, the medium has now made its way into more devices than just iPods or iPhones, for that matter.

Today, there are a number of non-Apple sites and apps for browsing, downloading and streaming podcasts like Overcast, Castro and SoundCloud. Although…

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.