
Why You Should ReRelease Your Old Music

This is why we love when you guys leave comments and ask questions. Today’s podcast was inspired by @100GrandRoyce who asked about rereleasing/rerecording some of his old music that didn’t get much traction.

We go over the reasons why you should rerelease your old music and give a couple of tips of how to not make the same mistakes from the past.

So you know the drill…sit back…Relax and Listen!

Today’s podcast is brought to you by http://theartistsguide.co/

The Artist’s Guide To Selling Your Music Without iTunes provides you with 6 alternative platforms to use for not just selling your new album or single, but for selling physical products like merch and bonus content, and apps and widgets to help you get your music out to the world! Head over www.theartistsguide.co right now for more information and use promo code SODDITUNES25 at checkout for 25% off of your download.

Today’s podcast is also brought to you by RapsAndHustles.com. A multimedia platform that provides the latest in music and entertainment.

Check out their YouTube channel at Youtube.com/rapsandhustles and be sure to contact them for advertising packages.

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.