
Breaking The Ice With New Fans

Earlier during the week I received a text from a listener of the podcast who wanted to know what would be a good way to break the ice to new fans when he visits a new city. After some quick thinking, I gave him a strategic way to engage with them without even speaking to them directly. How?

Well in this week’s episode we talk breaking the ice with new fans and broke down 3 quick ways to do so. Of course music is always the number one for me, but we also talked using social media and face-to-face interaction. You may want to grab a pen and pad for this one before hitting play. So you know the drill…sit back…Relax and Listen!

*If you have a topic that you would like for us to discuss or have questions you want answered, send us an email to podcast@str8outdaden.com and we will pick a few to discuss on the show.***

Today’s podcast is brought to you by Skool Clothes. Fueled by passions for social change, we’re on a mission to empower the leaders of tomorrow, with just a touch of style. Shop and use code STR8 for 15% off your order.


Today’s podcast is also brought to you by LANDR. Based in Montreal, Canada, LANDR is the world’s first intelligent drag-and-drop instant mastering service, by MixGenius. Use the link below to receive a free trial.


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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.