Australia’s kid-focused newspaper Crinkling News wants to teach media literacy to young readers

PodDaily » Australia’s kid-focused newspaper Crinkling News wants to teach media literacy to young readers

Saffron Howden knew she was on the right track with Crinkling News, her Australian kid-focused weekly newspaper, within a few days of Donald Trump being elected. Even among Australian schoolchildren, there was a lot of trepidation about the implications of a Donald Trump presidency. One school introduced art therapy to help kids process their emotions.

The uncertainty that kids felt in November — much of which persists among both the young and not-so-young — underscored Howden’s initial motivation a year ago to create a newspaper written for the country’s young news consumers, ages 7 to 15. The world can be a scary place, she argues, and the country’s largest media companies were doing a poor job of explaining things in a way that kids could understand.

“I was hearing a lot of stories from parents about how their kids really wanted to read the newspaper, but the parents felt like they had to go through and cut out certain stories beforehand,” Howden said. “A…

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.