A new newsletter helps listeners discover podcasts produced in flyover country

PodDaily » A new newsletter helps listeners discover podcasts produced in flyover country

Kelly Moffitt lives in St. Louis, where she works as an online producer at St. Louis Public Radio. Until recently, however, the podcasts she listened to were very much a bicoastal affair.

“One day, I looked down at my phone and realized all of my regular-listening podcasts were from New York or Los Angeles,” she said. “I was stunned.”

Podcasts taped in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles — cities home to the biggest podcasting networks and distributors — consistently dominate the top slots on iTunes, which remains one of the biggest discovery mechanisms for new podcasts.

Moffitt wants to help people discover podcasts that don’t originate on a coast. Her new newsletter, Flyover Podcast, shares podcasts produced “between the coasts,” interviews with podcasters around the country and listening recommendations for episodes from Nashville, St. Louis and elsewhere.

“I know that consistently hearing voices from a particular coastal perspective,…

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About the Author
Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.