A Twin Peaks Podcast: 'The Good Dale' and the Dirty Cooper

PodDaily » A Twin Peaks Podcast: 'The Good Dale' and the Dirty Cooper

In Part 7 of Twin Peaks, all your questions were answered! Or, well, actually, it’s more accurate to say that in the seventh hour of Showtime’s revival, people finally started asking questions. Sheriff Frank Truman mounted an investigation into plot points from the season 2 finale and Fire Walk With Me. (It only took 25 years!) In Buckhorn, we learned that the headless body belongs to a curiously unaged-since-we-last-saw-him Major Garland Briggs. Diane came face to face with Dirty Cooper. In the process, the show strongly implied that Dale’s nefarious doppelganger has committed truly unspeakable acts against characters we love…implications that became all the more disturbing when the Black Lodge denizen walked free from his prison cell. Meanwhile, Dougie defeated the assassin Ike, with a little help from Janey-E and a bloodthirsty braintree.

It was an hour of television that offered some energizing narrative clarity. Also, Andy has a Rolex? And just what’s going…

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Creative Director and Founder of Indie Creative Network. Tech guy... Podcast Guy... Dad.